
We invite you to explore the career opportunities that await you at Pro-Active Engineering.

Pro-Active Engineering Team

Pro-Active Engineering is a leading electronic design and manufacturing service provider. Our team members bring together diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets to make Pro-Active Engineering who we are.

Whether you’re new to the job market, looking to advance your career, or are a seasoned professional, we offer an array of rewarding career opportunities across a variety of functions, from production, supply chain, sales, manufacturing engineering, design engineering, quality and more.

What Our Customers Are Saying

“I value the customer service Pro-Active Engineering was able to provide, getting us through our challenges”.

Rich M.

"We were referred to Pro-Active by another company as a world-class organization that provides quality products, excellent service, and competitive pricing."

Stacy J.

"Their willingness to 'get involved' with my project. Taking an interest, and truly understanding not just what I want designed/built, but why, and offering up insights that I may not have considered."

Dave W.


emphasizing our commitment to continuous improvement